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New players are always welcome, whether experienced or not. Just come along to a training or practice session or join us on a Monday evening during the winter.

  • Crown Green Bowling

    During the summer Crown Green Bowls is played on the Golf Club’s green, both socially and competitively and in different InterClub Leagues. In addition to these competitions, the club hosts an Invitation Tournament in August for the Silver Jack Trophy.

    During the winter months short-mat indoor bowls is played on Monday evenings in the lounge in the main club-house.

    The green is available for informal practice or games when no matches or formal practice sessions are scheduled. No more than 4 jacks on the green at any one time. There is a supply of spare bowls, jacks and mats for new starters.

    Non golfers are welcome to join as a Social Member to include bowls.

    Further details about membership rates and eligibility can be obtained from the Club Office.

  • Committee 2024

    Roger Hardy (Chairman), Wendy Knowles (Secretary) Chris Reeve, Ian McNaught, Peter Beardsley plus team Captains.

  • Training and Practice Sessions

    For information contact the Bowls Club Secretary 01629 822932.

  • Short Mat Bowls

    Join us on Mondays at 7.00pm in the golf clubhouse during the winter months.

    • No experience necessary
    • Training will be provided
    • Spare bowls available
    • Please wear flat shoes

    We mainly play social games with the occasional interclub match. For information contact the Bowls Club Secretary 01629 822932

“Lovely place, green & setting for a game of bowls, opposition players very welcoming & a nice cuppa.”
Steve Moffatt